The Knowing :

What are the most important things needed to live a good life?

Exactly Who lives the life!

Is only the most important thing, one needs to live a good life.

Sadly and unfortunately, a rare one comes across this essential existential question and lives on in the dark about the truth of what life is, and exactly who Really is the unchanging support and ground where-in the whole life happens to be and revolves around.

No doubt, the one who knows the life is never those insentient objects that are known by one – who lives the life and is ever so unchangeable the sentient subject.

This division of the subject and the object is because of thought, which is neither the insentient object, and nor the sentient subject. The Thought though appears to exist independently of, and separate from the subject and the object both, has really no existence of its own, apart from any of the two.

This causes the illusion on the part of the subject that “I am” different one from the world that is the object / the objective reality, whereas “I am” is the subjective.

Because of and owing to this illusion, yet another but prominent Thought occurs / happens to arise and is assumed as and in the form “I am”.

The Existence, the Real “I am” the pure awareness only is however the one, ever so untouched, ever so uncontaminated by this or that or any thought what-so-ever.

Elimination of this illusion is the only and the most important thing that is needed at all times, to live a meaningful life. This is how one attains the realization what life is, and exactly Who lives the life and though is beyond the subject-object conflict. Such a one has the “Knowing“, the freedom and the Wisdom; independent of the so called Knowledge or the memory in the world, of the world, -any.


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