Conscious Dreams.

विश्वात्मा, सूत्रात्मा और,



ॐ ब्रह्मा देवानां प्रथमः सम्बभूव

विश्वस्य कर्ता भुवनस्य गोप्ता।।

ॐ यदक्षरं वेदविदो वदन्ति

विशन्ति यद्यतयो वीतरागाः।।

यदिच्छन्तो ब्रह्मचर्यं चरन्ति

तत्ते पदं सङ्ग्रहेण प्रवक्ष्ये।।

That, what is denoted by the single letter

ॐ AUM,

is talked about variously by the Wise,

who know the Veda.

Wherein enter those aspirants who have transcended all attachment,

And aspiring for attaining the same, they practice Brahmacharya (the natural state of the childhood, where far from even the thinking, one cannot imagine and think of and about the pleasure of sex).

I shall explain the same for you.

ब्रह्मा brahmA, the very First manifestation

देवानां of the 33 Divine forms and names

प्रथमः the Primal and very First.

सम्बभूव Became manifest who alone is

विश्वस्य of the all, entire manifest existence,

कर्ता the creator, the only instrument of the creation of,

भुवनस्य the realm and the spheres,

गोप्ता and He alone is who preserves and protects thus realm comprising of all the spheres within His creation.

The two above verses :

The first from the Mundakopanishad and the next form the Gita.

Therefore but for Him all His Creation is His Conscious Dream, and in that single realm there are the Realities for all and so many different individual souls who do know their own existence but fail to see how they and the world around them together constitute are the dream and the dreamer too. Because of the inherent In-attention think and also believe though they are in the world, at the same time they are but a captive too in the world.

This is their / the individual’s Conscious Dream.

This dream of being the ‘individual’ takes place only in the waking state of the mind.

The same mind of the individual, forced by the powers beyond control, involuntarily enters another state of the subconscious – where one thinks one has partial control over the world that one experiences there.

This dream-world is the sub-conscious mind of man.

Then the mind enters the third and the last stage when in deep dreamless sleep enjoys pure happiness and peace indescribable.

During the experience of all these states of mind, the consciousness and the sense of being oneself the same persists throughout and unbroken. That is : the consciousness and the sense I’m or the identity of being is not lost at any moment. In Vedantika parlance this is called sUtrAtmA / सूत्रात्मा ; the thread that creates the sense of oneself being a ‘person’. Memory and the sense of just being are strewn in upon this thread and therefore the idea :

“I’m a person in a world”

assumes the form of the person or the acquired identity.

However the Reality is affected in no way.

Reality is Being and Consciousness only.

Being and knowing is the abiding Reality.

Irrespective of the apparent distinctions it is ever so even though the mind can think and believe whatever else as the truth.
