Tag Archives: Do I need this?



ایف اردو لقز

لقز اردو اقک

Urdu Word for “Spelling”

एक उर्दू लफ़्ज़ / शब्द  “हिज्जे”


64. What Survives?



What was the last thing you did for play or fun?

Yesterday in the morning, just for fun shot these selfies :

The Poems and Parables.

Do you need time?

Was the title of a book containing writings of

J. Krishnamurti.

The very first chapter startes with the words :

Time and Space but exist in mind.

As I could understand neither of the two exist independently apart and separate from the mind, though Mind does exist without any of the two. Sunce there is no time in the absence of a place, like-wise there is no place in the absence of “a time”, and both appear to exist only when there is a thought of either of the two or of both. Looks like the thought is yet another reality to which the time and space belong to. But looking a rather more attentively, these three together form a single trilogy in a single frame.

This frame is verily the mind – neither my nor your, but the consciousness / life.

Everything inevitably does exist in life and conversely life in everything.

Because of the perception through senses, we tend to believe objects are insentient / sentient and accordingly, the sentient are called alive with an individual existence, while the insentient are supposed having no life in them.

This individual mind is an activity or the movement of Time, which depends on the individual perception. And conversely, the individual Time depends upon the individual mind that is essentially in, and a thought only.

This is how the experience and one who supposed to go through the experience are but two aspects of the same activity – like the thought and the thinker.

Neither of the two can exist in isolation.

The question therefore takes the form :

“Exactly, Who needs time?”

Careful inquiry and investigation into the nature of time and experience, thought and thinker is the understanding and the awakening, -the awareness, -where time is also an abstract notion, is like the experience and one who goes through the experience, like the thought and the thinker, and is of relative importance only.


On Second Thoughts.

The Question was asked :

What’s something you would attempt if you were guaranteed not to fail!?

I replied :

Becoming or Discovering God.

We think we know God. God is but a word we have heard and tend to believe such a God other than ourself might be existing somewhere.

That does not help us in knowing The God Who-so-ever or What-so-ever That God might be.

I may possibly know such a God indeed, if either I myself become such one, or could discover What is meant by God.

Before becoming such a God, whatever I can think or imagine is merely conceptual and hypothetical idea of God.

Before discovering the Reality of God, I shall remain in ignorance, doubt about God.

Maybe I say : “God exists”,

Maybe I say : “God doesn’t exist”.

Both these above statements would be absurd, controversial, contradicting and let me not arrive at a firm, inviolable and a conclusion convincing beyond doubt.

So, isn’t it important that in order to know the Reality of God, either I myself should have to become or Discover the Truth.

If there is urgency and earnestness in me, then it’s just immaterial and irrelevant if there is or is not a guarantee for success in this my endeavor.

Still I can rely upon the obvious significant and common elements that irrefutably and undeniably I share with such any(?) God.

The Two most prominent, self-evident and common elements are The Fact of Being, and the Fact of Knowing.

Irrespective of the objects perceived in my Consciousness, The Consciousness alone is the Reality wherein the Two merge in.

Therefore I can thereby convincingly and spontaneously declare :

“I am”.

“I” denotes Being or existence,

“am” implies “Knowing”.

This is the final and ultimate stand where I see and realize the inherent Truth of God.


The Only Thing!

What’s something you would attempt if you were guaranteed not to fail.

Becoming or Discovering God.


The “Blues” in Relationships.


आखिर कब तक?

September 6, 2023


We need to ask.